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Patsy Bennett has over 27 years' professional experience providing consultations.

Individual consultations with Patsy are available by appointment in Byron Bay and the Gold Coast areas.

Patsy also works by email, phone, WhatsApp, Zoom and Skype, providing readings internationally and at a distance. Distance readings are just as accurate as face-to-face readings, so these are becoming an increasingly popular choice.

(For more information about the efficacy of distance reading, please see this link to Patsy's site: )

For more details about what you might expect in each category (1. Astrology; 2. Psychic), please see below under each heading. If you're visiting or living in the Northern Rivers and Gold Coast areas, please call 0448808333 if you would like an appointment to see Patsy.

Or you can book an appointment with Patsy here and pay in advance here if you prefer.



1. Astrology reports



Private consultations with Patsy Bennett are available by email; in person; by Skype or by post. 


For your own individual one-hour Astrology consultation, including a 20-page written report by Patsy Bennett, contact Patsy directly through the contact form, below, or alternatively, send an email to: for more details. 



A. The one-hour Astrology consultation features in-depth analysis of your personality traits; behavioural patterns; talents, soul path, vulnerabilities, strengths and emotional responses, plus a forecast for up to three years into the future, showing planetary influences; opportunities and likely events. The Astrology report aims to help you to make informed decisions in the present, which will help you to tread a smoother path into a brighter future. 



B. The 'transit report' half-hour consultation plus a 2-3 page report looks at the next 12 to 24 months, taking into account planetary influences around you personally going into the future. The transit report will also look in-depth at your personality traits and emotional responses, helping you to consider the best way forward for you personally.



You can book your appointment at the Book Online page and pay in advance by Pay Pal if you prefer at the Online Shop page.



2. Psychic readings



Patsy is a natural psychic and medium and has developed her psychic mediumship skills under the mentorship of some of the world’s best psychic mediums. She began reading palms and tarot when she was 14. She is clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient. Patsy’s psychic mediumship readings will provide you with a deeper understanding of your current situation and help you gain insight into your future options, enabling you to navigate your life more proficiently and attain a sense of fulfilment. Please contact Patsy via the contact form, below, or you can book your appointment time through the Book Online page, and pay in advance by Pay Pal or credit card if you prefer at the Online Shop page. Or feel free to call 0448808333 to book your reading.






'Thank you again for the beautiful reading. I feel like you gave me a lot of clarity regarding my relationship and my purpose in my life pursuing my career. Amazing stuff.' - Lena, November 2021.


'I am incredibly grateful for your heartfelt guidance, once again everything you said 'felt right', just like reading your book.' - Cheryl, August 2017


'I had a reading with you about three years ago and it was incredible and accurate. Many thanks.' - Sally, Sydney, October 2016

'Hi Patsy, I just wanted to say, Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift. My good friend came to you a couple of weekends ago for a reading and I was blessed enough to have my Dad and my Mum come through with messages for me. I feel so very grateful to have had this contact with them it has brought me immense healing to have confirmation that they can hear me still and that they are with me always thank you so very much.' - Karen, May 2015


'I saw you on 27 December and in my reading you mentioned that I (or we, my husband also saw you) would receive a phone call on 5th January that would make our decision to move more clear. Well it happened! My husband received a call regarding a job on the Gold Coast!!!! Thank you so much for your insight. Will definitely be recommending you and your amazing abilities to everyone. I'm sure we will be in contact again soon. Thanks again. Kind Regards Jacqui.'- Jacqui, January 2015


‘Patsy’s psychic reading was accurate and insightful. Highly recommended!’ - Sue, Sydney, NSW.


‘My combined astrology reading even included significant dates which were spot on. It was a very helpful and supportive reading.’ 
- Cathy, Brisbane, Queensland, 2014.



Price guide for bookings with Patsy:



Astrology consultations


A. The one-hour consultation plus full 20-page report which includes your personality profile, talents, potential pitfalls and forecasts for up to three years: 


B. A reading of transits only (a two-to-three-page report featuring future trends for up to 24 months only), plus a half-hour phone, Skype or in-person consultation:



Psychic readings


Psychic and mediumship readings, in person, by phone, email or Skype:


$125 for 40 minutes and $185 for an hour.


Special phone readings ideal for one question: $43.50 for 15 minutes. (on special only on occasion, keep an eye out!)


Online bookings:

To make an appointment with Patsy online, click on this link or go to the 'Book online' page on the tabs above.

Online payments:


To make online payments, please click on this link or go to to the 'Online shop' on the tabs above.




Phone 0448808333 for more information or email:





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